Yi Dong 董艺
(Qingdao, China) 青岛,中国
Education 毕业院校
Master of Art in Fine Arts, Chelsea college of Arts and Design, London, UK
Short Course, Art& Activity, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Master of Art in Printmaking, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China
Bachelor of Fine Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts , Tianjin, China
Solo Exhibitions 个展
2020 The gospel boat comes from paradise., London church Bookshop, London, UK
Selected Group Exhibitions 群展
2020 Un Comfort Zone, Online show
2020 100% safe, Online show
2020 Ashes to Passion, St Saviours Church, Pimilico, London, UK
2019 UN1T.Triangle Space- Chelsea college of Arts and Design, London, UK
2019 Pretty Ugly,Cookhouse gallery, London
2018 The first anti drug poster painting competition, Qingdao, China
2013 The 3rd Guangzhou international exlibris and mini-prints biennial, Guangzhou, China
2012 Zhu Zi China Exlibris exhibition culture, The China Millennium Monument,Beijing, China
2011 Canada Yongxin Energy Printmaking Scholarship, Tianjin, China
2011 The first Tianjin Exlibris small Printmaking Exhibition, Tianjin, China
2011 The second national youth small printmaking Exhibition, Shenzhen, China
2010 The Thirteenth National Exlibris small prints exhibition and international Exlibris masters Invitational Exhibition, Guangdong,China
2010 Canada Yongxin Energy Printmaking Scholarship, Tianjin, China
2009 Canada Yongxin Energy Printmaking Scholarship, Tianjin, China
Curating Experience 策展
2018 Welcome to the Sco summit to paint a colorful Qingdao, Jinshi Museum, Qingdao, China
2017 Painting the colorful sky, fulfill your childhood’s dream , Jinshi Museum, Qingdao, China
2016 Future Globe village, Jinshi Museum, Qingdao, China
2015 School of the Future,Jinshi Museum, Qingdao, China
2014 Loving in spring, Art Museum of Qingdao press, Qingdao, China
Selected awards & grants in Visual Arts 获奖
2018 The first anti drug poster painting competition, Qingdao, China, Third prize
2013 The 3rd Guangzhou international exlibris and mini-prints biennial, Guangzhou, China, honorable mention
2012 Zhu Zi China Exlibris exhibition culture, The China Millennium Monument,Beijing, China, Excellence Award
2011 Canada Yongxin Energy Printmaking Scholarship, Tianjin, China, honorable mention
2011 The first Tianjin Exlibris small Printmaking Exhibition, Tianjin, China, honorable mention
2011 The second national youth small printmaking Exhibition, Shenzhen, China,Excellence Award
2010 The Thirteenth National Exlibris small prints exhibition and international Exlibris masters Invitational Exhibition, Guangdong, China, honorable mention