My breast cancer falsies, textile fabric, mung bean
I used mung bean as filler into my falsies. People could find many different kinds of falsies online. But I want to make them by myself. These mung bean bags could be put into micro-wave oven to get warm. The temperature could provide my body. These DIY falsies symbolize my build a new part for my body that I feel to control.

Mrs.Wang, Head covering, textile fabric
These three head coverings made by my friend. She bring them as gifts to my to encourage me during treatment.
I feel very upset in the morning. I didn't want to wake up every morning wondering what was going to be on my pillow. Hair loss may be chemotherapy's most distressing side effect. Losing my hair was the most dramatic, tangible side effect I experienced. I not only felt sick, I looked sick. Even I was a very social person, I did not want to meet anyone with that situation. My friend who had breast cancer made these covering for me. She knew which kind of material is comfortable for wearing. I am glad to have this three colors head coverings that could arrange with different dresses.
I choose these requisites from my daily life. They could be a part of my body during my cancer journey. I feel I am a solider with my amour. In my life, I have a good partner who loves me before he left. Now, I am be alone to suffering with breast cancer. I am growing in this long journey.